somatic bodywork
“You can’t release what you don’t feel. Instead of thinking about it, feel it.” Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen
how can i help?
Are you struggling with anxiety, sleep difficulties or chronic health issues? These conditions are often signals that it is time to compassionately re-connect with our selves. I would like to help you make this connection, build internal capacity, and nurture self-awareness to create the life you deserve, with greater ease and meaning.
I am particularly experienced in working with individuals in a state of stress and overwhelm as I have a special interest in developmental trauma, attachment wounds and interpersonal neurobiology. My therapeutic approach is founded on embodied consciousness, whole-hearted presence, and a deep belief in the inherent wisdom of our bodies.
We will work collaboratively and relationally to nurture your sense of body awareness to meet the deep complexities of pain (physical, mental, emotional), balance your nervous system on all levels, and cultivate a felt sense of inner peace and spaciousness.
I hold diplomas in Therapeutic Massage (New Mexico Academy of Healing Arts) and Craniosacral Therapy (Upledger and Karuna Institutes), as well as numerous certificates including Traumatic Stress Studies (Trauma Research Foundation) and Developmental Movement (Institute for Integrated Bodywork and Movement). My work is informed and enriched by over 25 years of clinical practice and my ongoing studies and experience in trauma and attachment theory, body-mind centering, experiential anatomy, feldenkrais, polyvagal theory, relational psychotherapy and insight meditation.
My private practice is located in South Kensington, London, UK, and I have worked at clinics and retreats internationally including Triyoga and the Life Cente (London), Ulpotha (Sri Lanka), Yogahikes (Italy), Yogagypsys (India), and Samasati (Costa Rica). I am a member of the British Complementary Medicine Association (BCMA), the Craniosacral Therapy Association of the UK (CSTAUK), and the International Somatic Movement Education and Therapy Association (ISMETA).
If this sounds like it might be useful for you please feel free to contact me.
For a deeper look at my practices